International women’s day and 150 years after the birth of Grazia Deledda: an educational event for schools in the national territory
The Committee for the Celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the birth of Grazia Deledda, led by the Province of Nuoro, supported and financed the educational event for the schools of the national territory, on the occasion of the International Women’s Day and 150th anniversary of the birth of the writer Nobel Prize Grazia Deledda, proposed by the ISTASAC Historical Institute and endorsed by the National Parri Network.
On March 8, the educational event entitled “THEY DID NOT KILL YOU WITH PINS OF PIN – Grazia Deledda in the intimate secret of the great dream” is intended to represent a significant synthesis of the two anniversaries (International Women’s Day and 150th anniversary of the birth of the Italian Nobel Prize), offering authoritative contributions to Sardinian and Italian schools to encourage reflection and was able to count on the greetings of the President of the Senate Maria Elisabetta Casellati and the Minister of Education Patrizio Bianchi.
“The Committee welcomed with conviction the proposal of the artistic director Anthony Muroni, believing that linking the name of Deledda to International Women’s Day, addressing its message to the boys and girls of our schools, interprets in the best way the unifying trait of the different demonstrations that in recent months we have put in place”, says the extraordinary administrator of the Province of Nuoro Costantino Tidu.
To the scientific contributions of prof.Dino Manca of the University of Sassari, one of the leading scholars of the work of Grazia Deledda, is joined by others of an artistic nature.
The Project, edited by prof. Giuseppe Puligheddu (member of the Parri National Didactic Commission), aims to relaunch network training actions in schools, the first of which was reserved for the first woman of the Italian Nobel Prize for Literature, unjustifiably sacrificed in school anthologies despite the vast production, internationally recognized and consolidated.
In this sense, International Women’s Day is well suited to the figure of Deledda who, in times much more difficult than ours, has shown how it is possible to stubbornly pursue, against everything and everyone, the great dream, intimately nourished, of success. literary and self-affirmation.
The artistic contributions, coordinated by Marco Moledda of TEN Sardegna Teatro, proposed in support of the scientific ones, originated in an original way from the pen of the playwright Paola Atzeni and entrusted to the interpretation of the actress Elisa Pistis. The audiovisual direction of Francesco Pirisi makes use of the Photography of Daniele Brotzu.
The novelty of this first educational proposal of the Network consists in the simultaneous presentation of the figure and work of Grazia Deledda in schools in all Italian regions.