Grazia Deledda: a CALL for young authors begins

The texts selected by a literary commission will be published on the new web site dedicated to the celebrations of the Nobel Prize for literature
Nuoro – The vast program of initiatives put in place by the Institutional Committee led by the Province of Nuoro to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Grazia Deledda is enriched with a new activity In fact, a call addressed to young authors has officially started: attraverso una sezione dedicata del sito internet – https://www.150graziadeledda.it/giovani-autori/- it will be possible to send an article, an essay, a novel or a story that has as object the literary work of Grazia Deledda.
Young authors are given maximum freedom of expression. A literary commission led by the artistic director Anthony Muroni will judge the work and, in the event of a positive evaluation, will publish it on the official website of the Deleddian celebrations.
The goal is to create a real blog capable of making young authors − Sardinians and non-Sardinians − talk and compare about the figure and work of the great Sardinian writer, a sort of virtual square where creativity is made available to women. Themes dealt with by Deledda in her volumes, with an eye also to current events and modernity of our times.
The call addressed to young artists also marks the debut of the new website – https://www.150graziadeledda.it- dedicated to the celebrations of Deleddian, with a rich section dedicated to news, accompanied by multimedia contents, and one dedicated to events they will take place over the course of a year in Sardinia, in Italy and abroad.
Together with the call for young Sardinian authors, the section dedicated to schools stands out: in the coming weeks, in fact, the 34 educational workshops in the Nuorese schools will start. In addition to the capital of Barbagia, the high schools of Jerzu, Tortolì, Sorgono, Lanusei, Macomer and Siniscola will be involved.