Anthony Muroni was born in 1972 in Australia and grew up in Tresnuraghes. Graduated in Political Science with a thesis on fascist censorship in Sardinia, he has been a professional journalist since 2002.
After working for “La Nuova Sardegna”, he was director of the newspaper “L’ Unione Sarda” and of the radio stations Radio Planargia and Radiolina.
From 2018 in charge of communication at the Commission for the Library and the Historical Archives of the Senate and from 2021 President of the Mont’e Prama Foundation.
He wrote and conducted television broadcasts for the Videolina and Rai Tre Sardegna broadcasters, also directing the docufilms Paesitudine, La terra toglie, la terra dà e Il sogno di una vita (quasi) normale, Mario Melis il Presidente dei sardi.
He is the author of the following works: Peppino Pes, L’inedita confessione del “prete” bandito (2004), Francesco Cossiga dalla A alla Z. Il vocabolario del sardo che viveva per la politica (2011), Il sangue della festa. Mortu in die nodida (2012), Benedetto XVI dalla A alla Z (2013), Il volto di Francesco (2013), Andreotti e la Sardegna (2014), La casa dei sardi (2016), Venticinque anni. Fatti, personaggi, interviste. Appunti sparsi di un cronista (2017), Cossiga e l’alfabeto con la K (2019) e Mario Melis il Presidente dei sardi (2021).